"META" Group – is a company, implementing developers' and individual projects within the countryside real estate market of New Moscow and Moscow region
We are currently investing heavily in the field of countryside development of economy and comfort classes, and we as well arrange industrial parks on the territory of Moscow region.
Finding a professional partner is essential whilst realizing the assets. We are looking for a mutually beneficial cooperation with investors and landowners.
Capitalization support through higher class product
Providing help defining investment potential
Honesty – is our mission.
Earning capacity is better than the one of deposit.
Reliability and risk diversification.
Buying only operating assets.
High IRR due to counterflow and installment payment plan.
Company expertise, similar project experience.
Database of large investors into land projects.
Marketing and advertisement of the asset at the agent's expense.
Performance-based payment.
High yield based on the demand analysis.
Visibility of Parties relations
Real income instead of array costs.
Proposing different ways of the asset capitalization.
Professional promotion and predictable sales.
Efficient project implementation.
Experienced professional team.
Developing an efficient concept based on the asset's objective characteristics.
Determining the profile of attractiveness for target groups.
Creating a positive image among target groups.
Marketing research and strategic consulting.
Promoting the project to target groups.
Expenses on the agent's behalf.
We can strike a deal fast.
High liquidity level.
Minimising customer costs.
The transaction registration is at the company's expense.
Land lot development for residential construction
For the land masses owner construction of cottage or suburban settlement is an efficient way to maximize profit from asset realization. Large lots are rather difficult to be sold within the market: they remain useless, the owners have to pay taxes and bear maintenance expenses.
Most of such lands were bought long age, at other national currency rates (often for a substantial sum of money). Being idle, such property turns into passive asset, not bringing income but increasing expenses for the owner. Wholesale is quite often a fixation of losses – few owners are ready to agree to it.
Land lot development enables getting better financial results than wholesale. The project realization requires time, however, cooperation with a professional team brings it to success.
How does this cooperation look like in practice: after the owner having appealed to the company, the META Group specialists perform town-planning audit and title search, possible encumbrances of the land plot, for instance, hidden utilities, planned infrastructure facilities, sanitary protection areas and etc. The landowners might not know that it is prohibited to build permanent facilities on their part of the plot and do not consider town-building peculiarities. All of this needs to be clarified: which part of the plot may be build upon, what are the encumbrances' issues due to be resolved for a successful settlement realization.
Full information of the plot enables preparing a financial model for a future project. It contains information on what and which area may be rebuilt, what will be the product cost. The calculations show the cost the settlement will be sold for and the future profit. As a result the owner gets a commercial offer.
Projects for investors with profitability of 25%
The specificity of the situation in the Russian economy is volatility and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation aim to bring inflation under control which leads to decreasing of depositing rates provided by banks. Deposit rates decrease following the key interest rate, thus bringing people a difficult question
A (traditional) reliable option is a professional real estate investments. First of all, investments in land projects offer high returns compared to commercial assets. The second important advantage is the fact that the investor is well protected from various risks and unforeseen circumstances. He becomes the owner of the land plot that he has invested his money in.
This aspect's importance was evident during the pandemic: airline shares around the world collapsed as a result of the airline closures, for instance, and their holders lost their dividends and incurred significant losses. The stock market trade involves serious risks - compared to the latter, land investments are more conservative, yet considerably more secure.
The high profitability of the land market is due to its lack of awareness in the financial media. However, this, on the other hand, is due to less competition in the financial market and fewer professional players able to assess the investment potential of various real estate sectors. For instance, investments in commercial sites (warehouses, shops, office complexes) bring yearly rental income of approximately 7-12%. For the stock market, this would be considered a big success.
There are less wholesale buyers in the land market, which also opens up an additional window of opportunity. The general scheme for cooperation is probably as follows: based on our recommendation, the investor acquires a land asset, and the parties sign a service agreement for the development of the acquired land. Then META Group implements the project, and the investor receives funds from buyers when selling the retail lots. The entry threshold for such projects is starting from 50 million roubles.
From our side, the META Group provides investors with a range of services: they are not only limited to selecting a site, but also include all the necessary actions to turn a land area into a retail product (a settlement, an industrial park, etc.). We carry out cadastral work, construction work, marketing, advertising and sales. Another reason is the successful experience of our company in cooperating with investors: it has proven the investing in real estate to be reliable method, bringing high income to financial investors.
Should a project face problems, the investment model itself allows us to avoid losses: an asset is purchased at a favourable price, enabling us to sell it and (in the most difficult case) to "break even". We honour our obligations to our partners even if the project is stuck and experiencing problems. In such a case, we may arrange a wholesale or retail sale of the asset, providing customers with discounts at our expense (rather than at the expense of the project investors). Investing in META Group projects is therefore a profitable venture with us providing the best possible conditions for our partners.
Brokerage of largeland assets
Brokerage of large land assets – is the sale of land plots larger than 1 hectare. META Group is willing to take such objects for realization: we will promote them within the market, find real buyers, arrange negotiations and deal execution.
A team of experienced experts having expertise in the land market, a large brokerage network, an extensive land bank, partnerships with the leading players, significant promotional opportunities and skills are all essential for a successful outcome.
Our specialists receive and process numerous incoming customer requests every day. That results in the accumulation of real information on the state of supply and demand on the land market in the capital region. This allows us to develop an accurate estimate of value, to identify the advantages of the property and the challenging issues requiring resolution or reduction.
The transaction value, and the time it takes to sell the lot on the market, depend on its liquidity. Based on the object's features, different approaches can be proposed to capitalize on it. Dividing a large land plot into several lots could be an easy solution to ease the sale of the property. We suggest the best and most realistic way to achieve the client's objectives in each case.
An important bonus of cooperating with the META Group for landowners is our work not requiring additional advertising or marketing costs. All these activities are carried out at the expense of the agency commission.
Development of industrial property
The development of industrial projects differs from the suburban development, meaning that industrial or warehousing land (as well as property complexes) is developed for sale or lease. META Group has successful experience of industrial parks implementation. The most successful projects include the Bolshoye Pokrovskoye administrative and warehouse site on Kievskoye Highway (40 hectares of the first stage are fully sold), the Korobovo multifunctional zone on Domodedovskoye Highway (active sales are underway) and others.
The industrial park project includes preparing the necessary documentation, constructing internal infrastructure (access roads to plots, electricity, etc.), marketing promotion and advertising. In addition, META Group sells finished (or unfinished in process) warehouses, offices and industrial sites. Should we need to carry out additional construction or legal registration of such assets, we are ready to take over this work. Such activities require investments and professional expertise, and we are ready to invest them in case the owner does not have sufficient funds and his own team of specialists.
Some of them involve major investments. For instance, the successful implementation of the Korobovo MFZ required the development of an extension to the Domodedovo highway. This part of the development project received tens of millions of roubles of investment. Likewise, the company invests in road works, utilities installation, etc. We will provide a full range of services and carry out all the necessary actions to turn an unprofitable and "raw" object into a profitable asset.
Hiring us gives you a professional team to ensure a successful outcome.
Project marketing, site commercialization
Project marketing is a service relevant for a finished commercial product. In this case, the owner has almost everything (concept, the object finished or being constructed), except for the essential component – the arranged sale. In such a situation META Group is ready to become an agent for the product commercialization within the residential or commercial property market.
The company has everything it needs for this activity: we have skilled and experienced dealers, connections we have established with prospective clients, and a track record of creating traffic. We know how to receive and process advertising requests to get buyers interested. META Group means a systematic approach and a mindset of performance.
Besides the sales, META Group provides a full office package: arranging negotiations, signing contracts and registering property rights.
Success in project marketing is determined by a professional team, effective advertising and a functional workforce. Furthermore, the META Group has a successful track record of real projects carried out for our partners. They have hired us as agents - and benefited along with us!
Urgent purchasing of land for residential construction
For a real estate developer, purchasing a suburban land plot is part of a business project - the initial step in turning the site into a prospective asset. META Group specialists are able to reasonably explain all the key advantages of a land plot and offer an appropriate market price for it. They will help you determine the investment potential of land for various popular formats: country or cottage villages, technoparks, hotels, office complexes, industrial facilities, etc.
META Group operates throughout the Moscow region and New Moscow. The buyout service is offered for plots on urban lands, residential areas, agricultural and industrial land, etc. All directions are considered: north (Altufievskoye and Dmitrovskoye highway); north-east and east (Yaroslavskoye, Gorkovskoye, Shelkovskoye highway); south-east and south (Egoryevskoye, Varshavskoye, Simferopolskoye highway); south-west, west and north-west (Kaluga, Kiev, Minskoye, Novorizhskoye, Volokolamskoye highway).
Land buyout (including urgent buyout) is a service provided within the best possible time frame. We deal with all kinds of lots - with or without buildings. Do not hesitate to contact us, we are happy to help you!
META Group
in selling land,
large residential or commercial properties
META Group arranges sales efficiently and provides a complete office package: negotiating, signing contracts and registering ownership.
We receive and process advertising requests to get buyers interested. META Group means a systematic approach and a mindset of performance.
META Group assists in selling land, large residential or commercial properties
Simple and comfortable way of investing
The best opening price for investor
We suggest buying only the most interesting plots at below-market prices to our partners. The better the entry point, the greater the profit for the investor.
Cooperation with an experienced developer
META Group has many years of experience in the residential and industrial real estate segment, along with a large and diverse portfolio of successfully completed projects. Experience, expertise and professionalism are a reliable foundation for mutually beneficial cooperation!
We care equally for profitability and the reliability of the projects we implement. We protect our investment partners' funds in many ways: we implement only functioning development concepts, arrange successful sales, register the client's title.
Investment protection
Successful transactions with the Sales department
By implementing a systematic approach, our experts successfully convert calls and reviews into real deals.
Risk diversification
To diversify risk, we invest in retail projects in various areas of the capital region. Avoiding putting "everything in one basket" gives us the opportunity to react flexibly to market dynamics - for the benefit of our partners!
Transparent deal structure
We inform our clients of all the specifications of the land asset and agree on the payment method in accordance with current legislation. Thorough information means a minimum of risk and a maximum of reliability!
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